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What Is Corporate Compliance and Why It’s Important?

No matter what industry your organization is in, corporate compliance is an essential part of operations. Simply put, corporate compliance is the process of making sure your company and employees follow the laws, regulations, standards, and ethical practices that apply to your organization. Effective compliance will cover both internal policies and rules and federal and state laws. Enforcing compliance in corporate policy will help your company prevent and detect violations of rules. This can save your organization from fines and lawsuits. It also lays out expectations for employee behaviour, helps your staff stay focused on your organization’s broader goals, and helps operations run smoothly. This process should be ongoing. Most organizations establish programs to help govern policies and compliance. Gerard Wilkes & Associates are skilled in delivering effective corporate compliance arrangements so contact our team today to discuss your requirements and solutions.  


The Purpose of a Corporate Compliance Program

A  programme is a formal system to help your organization maintain compliance in all areas of operation. The program will focus on upholding policies and procedures that prevent the organization and employees from breaking laws and regulations. An effective corporate compliance program integrates all compliance efforts – from compliance with external regulations to compliance with internal rules and procedures. Ultimately, the purpose of the program is to protect your organization. When employees are trained in compliance, they are more likely to recognize and report illegal or unethical activity. This can help your organization avoid waste, fraud, abuse, discrimination, and other practices that disrupt operations and put your company at risk. Maintaining compliance enables your employees to do their jobs well, keep customers happy, and reach their career goals. In turn, this helps your company grow and achieve organizational goals. By making sure all areas of your organization are working together and maintaining standards, compliance can help prevent major disasters and failures.

Learn more about corporate compliance

Schedule a time to talk to one of our  team who can help you:

Understand your rights and responsibilities under the Corporations Act

 We can help make it easier to comply
Outline those risks when you don’t comply We work with you to not only ensure compliance but peace of mind.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us, today


Stay Safe

Has your business got the right policies to ensure your safe from legal action?

What Is Corporate Compliance and Why It’s Important

No matter what industry your organization is in, corporate compliance is an essential part of operations. Simply put, corporate compliance is the process of making sure your company and employees follow the laws, regulations, standards, and ethical practices that apply to your organization.

Effective compliance will cover both internal policies and rules and federal and state laws. Enforcing compliance in corporate policy will help your company prevent and detect violations of rules.

This can save your organization from fines and lawsuits. It also lays out expectations for employee behavior, helps your staff stay focused on your organization’s broader goals, and helps operations run smoothly. This process should be ongoing.

Most organizations establish programs to help govern policies and compliance. Gerard Wilkes & Associates are skilled in delivering effective corporate compliance arrangements so contact our team today to discuss your requirements and solutions.  

The Purpose of a Corporate Compliance Program

A  program is a formal system to help your organization maintain compliance in all areas of operation. The program will focus on upholding policies and procedures that prevent the organization and employees from breaking laws and regulations. An effective corporate compliance program integrates all compliance efforts – from compliance with external regulations to compliance with internal rules and procedures. Ultimately, the purpose of the program is to protect your organization.

When employees are trained in compliance, they are more likely to recognize and report illegal or unethical activity. This can help your organization avoid waste, fraud, abuse, discrimination, and other practices that disrupt operations and put your company at risk.

Maintaining compliance enables your employees to do their jobs well, keep customers happy, and reach their career goals. In turn, this helps your company grow and achieve organizational goals.

By making sure all areas of your organization are working together and maintaining standards, compliance can help prevent major disasters and failures.